NYSDTSEA Statewide Driver Safety Poster Contest This year, NYSDTSEA's NSSP Committee will conduct a statewide poster contest open to our members' driver education students, both in public and private schools. Our 2013 members will be informed via the "members only page" on how to enter this contest. This contest will coincide with Global Youth Traffic Safety Awareness Month being held in May.
We are encouraging students to participate and express their ideas about distracted driving through graphic art design. The NYSDTSEA State-level winners will receive a monetary prize contributed by local insurance companies. The winning submissions will also be displayed at the National Student Safety Program Conference held this year in Appleton, WI. ( See details about this conference on the NYSDTSEA’s website.)
This is the first year that NY- NSSP has held this contest. We are doing this in conjunction with the Global Youth Traffic Safety Month in the hopes of bringing the message home that we are serious about distracted driving and want this message to surround as many young people as possible. We expect entries from at least 50+ schools who are eligible to compete in this year’s event. The first-place winners at the school level will move on to compete at the state level. The winning 2012 artwork will be featured on our state association’s website, www.NYSDTSEA.org and also displayed at the NSSP Conference in Appleton, WS. The contest is being coordinated locally by the school’s driver education teachers and by NYSDTSEA at the state level . ( Local contest rules apply/ State entries must be submitted by April 21st, 2013. Only NYSDTSEA members may enter their student's work.) All State entries will be accepted up to the time and date of the State Conference in Binghamton NY, 04/21/13. Final judging of posters will be done by a team of art students from Alfred University, Alfred NY. Judging May 4th, 2013.
NYS-NSSP’s goal is to sponsor this contest to increase peer awareness about the importance of staying alert behind the wheel.
“Vehicle crashes are the number one killer of people between the ages of 3 and 34,” says Troy Townsend, NY-NSSP Chairperson and a student member of the Alfred University Art Dept . “The most important decision you can make about your personal safety is to stay focused when driving,” Townsend said.
NY National Student Safety Program (NSSP) is a part of the New York State Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association. It is supported by donations from various car dealers, insurance companies and interested businesses in New York State.
For more information about driver education programs in New York State visit our site: nysdtsea.org
"Speak Early - Speak Often About Teen Driving Safety
New York, Jan 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- (http://www.myprgenie.com) -- Two national traffic safety education organizations are inviting teens to help spread the word about the dangers of distracted driving with a contest to find the best youth-generated public service messages for radio.
Entries open Feb. 2 for the second annual JST DRV Radio PSA Contest, sponsored by The National Road Safety Foundation and NSSP, the National Student Safety Program of the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA).
Young people ages 14 -- 18 are invited to submit a radio PSA that talks to teens about the risks of distracted driving. The winner will receive a $1,000 and an expenses-paid trip to Wisconsin to participate in the NSSP national youth conference in mid-July. The winning PSA will also be broadcast nationally on the air and online. Three runners-up will each receive a $500 prize.
"Traffic crashes are the number one cause of death among U.S. teens, with 5,000 young people killed annually and thousands more injured," said Michelle Anderson of The National Road Safety Foundation. "The U.S. Secretary of Transportation has called distracted driving a national epidemic, and this contest will encourage young people to communicate important messages about the issue to peers in their own voice."
"As today's technology enables young people to be constantly connected with friends, distracted driving is a major problem that is growing in scope exponentially," said Jan Meeker, of the Hawaii Dept. of Education and NSSP Liaison to ADTSEA. "A quarter of all teens admit to texting behind the wheel and the highest proportion of distracted drivers in fatal crashes was under the age of 20."
Last year's winner, Avneet Singh, a ninth-grader from Clinton, Mississippi, submitted a radio PSA that begins with the sound of a car engine starting, followed by the sound of fingers texting on a cell phone. We hear the engine revving, and then tires squealing and a crash. The voice over says, "Texting is a leading cause of teenage deaths. Dying to text is no LOL (laughing out loud) matter."
Entries should be recorded and must be 15 or 30 seconds in length. Entries must include a wmv file or a live link, and should be mailed by April 30 to National Road Safety Foundation JST DRV Contest, 18 East 50th St., New York, NY 10022. They can also be emailed to [email protected].
The JST DRV Radio PSA Contest is organized by The National Road Safety Foundation, Inc., which produces traffic safety education programs that it distributes free to schools, police and others, and the National Student Safety Program, the youth arm of the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association.
Visit www.jstdrv.orgor www.adtsea.org/nssp/ for contest rules. Entry deadline is April 30, 2013.
Contact: David Reich [email protected] 212 573-6000
SOURCE:The National Road Safety Foundation. The information on this page is provided by PR News wire. All rights reserved. Reproduction or redistribution of this content without prior written consent from PR News wire is strictly prohibited. Learn more about this service.
Entries open Feb. 2 for the second annual JST DRV Radio PSA Contest, sponsored by The National Road Safety Foundation and NSSP, the National Student Safety Program of the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA).
Young people ages 14 -- 18 are invited to submit a radio PSA that talks to teens about the risks of distracted driving. The winner will receive a $1,000 and an expenses-paid trip to Wisconsin to participate in the NSSP national youth conference in mid-July. The winning PSA will also be broadcast nationally on the air and online. Three runners-up will each receive a $500 prize.
"Traffic crashes are the number one cause of death among U.S. teens, with 5,000 young people killed annually and thousands more injured," said Michelle Anderson of The National Road Safety Foundation. "The U.S. Secretary of Transportation has called distracted driving a national epidemic, and this contest will encourage young people to communicate important messages about the issue to peers in their own voice."
"As today's technology enables young people to be constantly connected with friends, distracted driving is a major problem that is growing in scope exponentially," said Jan Meeker, of the Hawaii Dept. of Education and NSSP Liaison to ADTSEA. "A quarter of all teens admit to texting behind the wheel and the highest proportion of distracted drivers in fatal crashes was under the age of 20."
Last year's winner, Avneet Singh, a ninth-grader from Clinton, Mississippi, submitted a radio PSA that begins with the sound of a car engine starting, followed by the sound of fingers texting on a cell phone. We hear the engine revving, and then tires squealing and a crash. The voice over says, "Texting is a leading cause of teenage deaths. Dying to text is no LOL (laughing out loud) matter."
Entries should be recorded and must be 15 or 30 seconds in length. Entries must include a wmv file or a live link, and should be mailed by April 30 to National Road Safety Foundation JST DRV Contest, 18 East 50th St., New York, NY 10022. They can also be emailed to [email protected].
The JST DRV Radio PSA Contest is organized by The National Road Safety Foundation, Inc., which produces traffic safety education programs that it distributes free to schools, police and others, and the National Student Safety Program, the youth arm of the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association.
Visit www.jstdrv.orgor www.adtsea.org/nssp/ for contest rules. Entry deadline is April 30, 2013.
Contact: David Reich [email protected] 212 573-6000
SOURCE:The National Road Safety Foundation. The information on this page is provided by PR News wire. All rights reserved. Reproduction or redistribution of this content without prior written consent from PR News wire is strictly prohibited. Learn more about this service.