Adjust the Seat Belts
c Wearing properly adjusted seat belts becomes a habit.
Adjust the Steering Wheel
c Driver checks the feel of the wheel each time when getting into the driver’s seat.
Adjust the Seat
c Driver can easily adjust the seat each time.
Understanding the Car
c Driver can easily tell you where the controls are and what they do.
Adjust the Mirrors
c Driver adjusts mirrors as a habit before each drive.
Stopping and Starting
c Driver operates the car smoothly with control.
Backing Up
c Driver backs up slowly and with control, knowing what’s around at all times.
Introduction to Scanning
c Driver develops a scanning routine and uses it consistently.
Introduction to Lane Positioning
c Driver can easily follow a line and keep the car steady.
Speed Management
c Driver maintains an appropriate and steady speed.
Uncontrolled Intersections
c Driver shows a solid understanding of right-of-way procedures and turns into the appropriate legal lane.
c Driver controls vehicle while turning and observes right-of-way procedures.
Controlled Intersections
c Driver can safely manage intersections and identify potential hazards.
Driving Straight
c Driver maintains position in the lane.
Hazard Detection
c Driver recognizes and anticipates hazards well in advance and uses caution around them.
c Driver is able to identify the right-of-way rules that govern each intersection prior to arrival.
Scanning and Hazard Detection
c Driver looks in the direction the car is going and watches for potential hazards.
Lane Changing
c Driver is comfortable checking mirrors and blind spots and returning focus back to the road.
c Driver recognizes danger when looking in mirrors and blind spots.
c Driver recognizes the speed of other cars.
c Driver follows the steps correctly for safely changing lanes without needing any reminders.
Road Sharing
c Driver always checks blind spots.
c Driver is always aware of other road users.
Space Cushion
c Driver leaves space in front according to the rule of 1 second of space for every 10 mph.
c Driver maintains adequate space on all 4 sides of the vehicle.
Distance Estimation
c Driver leaves enough space in front of the car when stopped.
c Driver can judge how long it will take to slow down and stop.
Anticipating Others’ Behavior
c Driver takes extra precautions when risky drivers are on the road.
c Driver avoids confrontation by staying calm and driving courteously.
Higher Speed Management & Preparedness
c Driver does not exceed the posted speed limit.
c Driver judges situations and tra c appropriately and makes the correct speed adjustments.
c Driver leaves the appropriate cushion of space around his or her car.
c Driver looks well ahead and is prepared to make the next speed adjustment.
Communicating with Others
c Driver understands ways to communicate his or her intentions and uses them on a timely basis.
c Driver looks for a “2nd signal” that con rms the intention of the other car like slowing down or starting to turn.
Managing Intersections
c Driver slows down well in advance of red lights and stop signs.
c Driver understands the distance it takes to stop for an intersection and leaves an appropriate distance when stopping.
Right-of-Way Controlled Intersection
c Driver knows who has the right-of-way.
c Driver identi es the point of no return.
c Driver understands stale versus fresh green lights. c Driver stops prior to turning right on red.
c Driver starts slowing down prior to the intersection.
Speed Management
c Driver looks far ahead for clues to determine need to adjust speed and react appropriately.
c Driver slows down by releasing the gas pedal and covering the brake.
c Driver resumes speed by moving foot to depress the gas pedal when appropriate.
Entering and Exiting Parking Lots
c Driver does not cause surrounding tra c to slow down or swerve.
c Driver can judge the gap between oncoming tra c and exits the parking lot when appropriate.
Space Cushion on Four Sides
c Driver responds to unexpected behaviors on the road safely and cautiously.
c Driver keeps as much space as possible on all four sides of vehicle.
c Driver adjusts the space cushion according to surrounding conditions.
Parking in a Lot
c Driver smoothly maneuvers in and out of parking spots.
c Driver understands the potential hazards in a parking lot and takes all necessary precautions.
c Driver checks for hazards before and during the maneuver and reacts appropriately to them.
Reacting to Other Drivers
c Driver scans a wider range in a commercial area and accurately predicts other road users’ behavior.
c Driver covers the brake when potential hazards are present.
Intersections with Crosswalks
c Driver understands who has the right-of-way at every type of intersection.
c Driver makes left turns safely.
c Driver understands the gap necessary to enter tra c.
Increasing Awareness of Risks
c Driver identi es and reacts appropriately to direct risks and indirect risks.
c Driver looks for critical information and reacts accordingly.
Entering and Exiting
c Driver consistently checks tra c to evaluate whether the gap is su cient and his or her speed has matched the tra c.
c Driver yields right-of-way to through tra c.
c Driver plans ahead for the exit.
c Driver is comfortable waiting for the next exit if missed opportunity.
Navigating Using Signs
c Driver understands what signs mean.
c Driver reacts appropriately to highway signs.
c Driver does not divert attention from tra c while reading signs at high speeds.
Monitoring Blind Spots
c Driver checks mirrors every 20 to 30 seconds, or more if the highway is crowded.
c Driver does head checks for blind spots.
c Driver leaves extra space in front when following a truck.
Six Second Rule – Space Cushion
c Driver uses the six second rule to maintain space cushion.
c Driver adjusts speed according to tra c density.
c Driver does not tailgate.
Disruptions in Highway Tra c
c Driver identi es changes in tra c and adjusts accordingly.
c Driver is aware of how other drivers react to tra c disruptions.
Anticipating Others’ Behavior on Highways
c Driver assumes the worst of other drivers; other drivers can act unexpectedly.
c Driver is aware of aggressive drivers well in advance and increases space cushion.
Lane Changing on Highways
c Driver correctly judges distance necessary to pass.
c Driver changes lanes and passes other vehicles appropriately.
c Driver allows other vehicles to pass or change lanes safely by adjusting the space cushion.
Speed Management
c Driver maintains or adjusts speed as needed.
c Driver is not intimidated by tailgaters to speed.
c Driver makes the necessary speed adjustments needed to accommodate varying road conditions.
Staying Out of Blind Spots
c Driver identi es other vehicles’ blind spots and avoids driving in them.
c Driver knows trucks and buses have larger blind spots and leaves extra space.
c Driver repositions the car when traveling in someone’s blind spot.
Passing or Yielding to Other Vehicles
c Driver pulls over early to allow safe passing.
c Driver is not afraid to stop to allow other vehicles to go by.
c Driver is courteous.
c Driver communicates with other drivers.
c Driver is aware of other vehicles behind his or her vehicle.
Speed Management
c Driver never exceeds the posted speed limits.
c Driver adjusts speed to the road conditions.
c Driver looks out for animals and other obstructions.
c Driver manages speed e ectively.
c Driver employs caution when road conditions are poor.
Driving at Night
c Driver drives at the appropriate speed for the road conditions.
c Driver uses high beams appropriately.
c Driver drives with correct lane placement at night.
Planning Routes & Following Directions
c Driver prepares in advance and develops an easy to follow route.
c Driver keeps attention on driving and the road while navigating the route.
c Driver handles unexpected changes well.
Driving in Inclement Weather
c Driver prepares the car before driving according to the conditions.
Potential Hazards in Each Environment
c Driver identi es and looks for all the typical risks in every environment and keeps eye out for others.
Managing Distractions
c Driver identi es distractions and actively minimizes them while driving.
What to Do in Emergencies
c Driver knows how to deal with the most typical emergencies: at tire, car failure, accident, or getting lost.
c Driver keeps calm under pressure.