1.0 Preparations to Operate Vehicle.
The student recognizes the visible space around the vehicle, the necessity of making routine vehicle checks and adjustments prior to and after entering the vehicle, identifies the location of alert and warning symbol lights, understands the operation of vehicle control and safety devices, and investigates vehicle balance concepts when braking accelerating, and steering.
Vehicle Operating Space.
The student is expected to:
1.1.1. recognizes the necessity of making routine vehicle checks and adjustments prior to and after entering the vehicle,
1.1.2 identify the location of alert and warning symbol lights,
1.1.3 understands the operation of vehicle control and safety devices,
1.14 investigates vehicle balance concepts, and
1.15 Analyzes the standard vehicle reference points relationship to roadway position and vehicle placement
1.1.6. recognize the visual limitation to the front of the vehicle; to the rear of the vehicle;
1.1.7. recognize the visual limitation the right side of the vehicle; recognize the visual limitation to the left side of the vehicle;
1.1.8. measure the length and width of the vehicle;
1.1.9. draw and measure the size of the vehicle tire patches;
1.1.10 draw and demonstrate the limited visual view in the rear view mirror;
1.1.11. draw and demonstrate the traditional mirror view settings for the rear and side view mirrors; and
1.1.12 draw and demonstrate the blind-zone and glare elimination (BGE) settings for the rear and side view mirrors.
Getting Ready to Drive.
The student is expected to:
1.2.1. prepare physically and mentally to use vehicle;
1.2.2. approach the vehicle with awareness; 1
1.2.3. check outside and inside of vehicle before opening the door;
1.2.4. lock doors;
1.2.5. adjust head restraints, seat position, mirrors, safety restraints, steering wheel position;
1.2.6. check all occupants for safety belt use; and
1.2.7. be able to demonstrate effective meaning and usage of all gauges.
Starting the Vehicle.
The student is expected to:
1.3.1. place or check that parking brake in set position;
1.3.2. select proper gear for starting;
1.3.3. secure foot brake pedal;
1.3.4. recognize alert lights for safety accessories;
1.3.5. demonstrate proper use of ignition starting device;
1.3.6. demonstrate ability to select and use appropriate accessories;
1.3.7. give an example of a warning light for engine or system accessories;
1.3.8. make appropriate gear selection for movement; and 1
.3.9. put headlights on - day and night.
Placing Vehicle in Motion.
The student is expected to:
1.4.1. visually identify open space to enter before moving foot from brake to gas;
1.4.2. communicates to other users;
1.4.3. places the vehicle into motion smoothly; and
1.4.4. recognize that too much acceleration affects vehicle body pitch toward the rear.
Stopping Vehicle in Motion.
The student is expected to:
1.5.1. search effectively ahead of the vehicle to determine braking needs;
1.5.2. use controlled braking efficiently with heel of foot on floorboard;
1.5.3. check rear zone/space prior to braking;
1.5.4. apply a firm squeezing braking force at the beginning of the braking process;
1.5.5. bring the vehicle to a smooth stop by squeezing off brake;
1.5.6. recognizes that too much braking action affects vehicle body pitch toward the front; 1.5.7. ease pressure off brake during last two seconds of braking to ease pitch of vehicle; 1.5.8. check the rear zone/space before, during and after braking actions; and
1.5.9. demonstrate effective use of maximum ABS braking.
The student is expected to:
1.6.1. turn head and visually target in the direction of intended path of travel prior to turning; 1.6.2. use a target, sightline, transition point, and path of travel to determine steering entry and return;
1.6.3. use a balanced hand position on the wheel;
1.6.4. recognizes that too much steering affects vehicle body roll towards the opposite side of vehicle;
1.6.5. use the Hand-Over-Hand or Hand-to-Hand (Turning), Hand-To-Hand (Curvatures), One Hand (Reverse), or Evasive Action (Avoidance) methods effectively; and
1.6.6. visually check the rear view mirror, side view mirrors and mirror blind-zone
Stopping and Securing the Vehicle.
The student is expected to:
1.7.1. stop the vehicle in a safe and legal position;
1.7.2. set the parking brake as required by state statute and owner’s manual;
1.7.3. shift into appropriate gear before removing foot from brake;
1.7.4. turn off appropriate accessories prior to turning off ignition and removing key;
1.7.5. visually check traffic flow before opening door; and
1.7.6. lock doors and/or secure any alarm system.
1.0 Preparations to Operate Vehicle.
The student recognizes the visible space around the vehicle, the necessity of making routine vehicle checks and adjustments prior to and after entering the vehicle, identifies the location of alert and warning symbol lights, understands the operation of vehicle control and safety devices, and investigates vehicle balance concepts when braking accelerating, and steering.
Vehicle Operating Space.
The student is expected to:
1.1.1. recognizes the necessity of making routine vehicle checks and adjustments prior to and after entering the vehicle,
1.1.2 identify the location of alert and warning symbol lights,
1.1.3 understands the operation of vehicle control and safety devices,
1.14 investigates vehicle balance concepts, and
1.15 Analyzes the standard vehicle reference points relationship to roadway position and vehicle placement
1.1.6. recognize the visual limitation to the front of the vehicle; to the rear of the vehicle;
1.1.7. recognize the visual limitation the right side of the vehicle; recognize the visual limitation to the left side of the vehicle;
1.1.8. measure the length and width of the vehicle;
1.1.9. draw and measure the size of the vehicle tire patches;
1.1.10 draw and demonstrate the limited visual view in the rear view mirror;
1.1.11. draw and demonstrate the traditional mirror view settings for the rear and side view mirrors; and
1.1.12 draw and demonstrate the blind-zone and glare elimination (BGE) settings for the rear and side view mirrors.
Getting Ready to Drive.
The student is expected to:
1.2.1. prepare physically and mentally to use vehicle;
1.2.2. approach the vehicle with awareness; 1
1.2.3. check outside and inside of vehicle before opening the door;
1.2.4. lock doors;
1.2.5. adjust head restraints, seat position, mirrors, safety restraints, steering wheel position;
1.2.6. check all occupants for safety belt use; and
1.2.7. be able to demonstrate effective meaning and usage of all gauges.
Starting the Vehicle.
The student is expected to:
1.3.1. place or check that parking brake in set position;
1.3.2. select proper gear for starting;
1.3.3. secure foot brake pedal;
1.3.4. recognize alert lights for safety accessories;
1.3.5. demonstrate proper use of ignition starting device;
1.3.6. demonstrate ability to select and use appropriate accessories;
1.3.7. give an example of a warning light for engine or system accessories;
1.3.8. make appropriate gear selection for movement; and 1
.3.9. put headlights on - day and night.
Placing Vehicle in Motion.
The student is expected to:
1.4.1. visually identify open space to enter before moving foot from brake to gas;
1.4.2. communicates to other users;
1.4.3. places the vehicle into motion smoothly; and
1.4.4. recognize that too much acceleration affects vehicle body pitch toward the rear.
Stopping Vehicle in Motion.
The student is expected to:
1.5.1. search effectively ahead of the vehicle to determine braking needs;
1.5.2. use controlled braking efficiently with heel of foot on floorboard;
1.5.3. check rear zone/space prior to braking;
1.5.4. apply a firm squeezing braking force at the beginning of the braking process;
1.5.5. bring the vehicle to a smooth stop by squeezing off brake;
1.5.6. recognizes that too much braking action affects vehicle body pitch toward the front; 1.5.7. ease pressure off brake during last two seconds of braking to ease pitch of vehicle; 1.5.8. check the rear zone/space before, during and after braking actions; and
1.5.9. demonstrate effective use of maximum ABS braking.
The student is expected to:
1.6.1. turn head and visually target in the direction of intended path of travel prior to turning; 1.6.2. use a target, sightline, transition point, and path of travel to determine steering entry and return;
1.6.3. use a balanced hand position on the wheel;
1.6.4. recognizes that too much steering affects vehicle body roll towards the opposite side of vehicle;
1.6.5. use the Hand-Over-Hand or Hand-to-Hand (Turning), Hand-To-Hand (Curvatures), One Hand (Reverse), or Evasive Action (Avoidance) methods effectively; and
1.6.6. visually check the rear view mirror, side view mirrors and mirror blind-zone
Stopping and Securing the Vehicle.
The student is expected to:
1.7.1. stop the vehicle in a safe and legal position;
1.7.2. set the parking brake as required by state statute and owner’s manual;
1.7.3. shift into appropriate gear before removing foot from brake;
1.7.4. turn off appropriate accessories prior to turning off ignition and removing key;
1.7.5. visually check traffic flow before opening door; and
1.7.6. lock doors and/or secure any alarm system.