Car Care Clinic
My Car Does What?
My Car Does What is all about active safety features – those new technologies in cars that flash, beep, vibrate and more. Some features can even stop or steer your car for you in emergencies. Cars can’t drive on their own – yet – but in the meantime, today’s cars are more awesome than they’ve ever been.
Car tech is changing rapidly around us. We designed this site so you can stay up-to-date and get educated on how these features work (and, hopefully, have fun in the process).
My Car Does What is all about active safety features – those new technologies in cars that flash, beep, vibrate and more. Some features can even stop or steer your car for you in emergencies. Cars can’t drive on their own – yet – but in the meantime, today’s cars are more awesome than they’ve ever been.
Car tech is changing rapidly around us. We designed this site so you can stay up-to-date and get educated on how these features work (and, hopefully, have fun in the process).
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